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happy running

Find Your Happiness

By Fit3 Head Coach Tina Van Horn

Since my primary language is sarcasm, most people wouldn’t describe me as cheerful or jovial, but my second language is optimism! Wouldn’t life be so much simpler if we could just focus on the things that make us happy and ignore everything else? Things that make me happy: new running shoes, goats, colorful food, my kids playing together, a soft blanket, hot coffee, pajama pants, birds singing, helping others be healthy. Don’t these things just sound like the epitome of happiness?  

Reality check—life is messy and unfortunately flat tires mess up our workout plans and bills outnumber birthday cards in the mailbox. We live in a world full of chaotic days and sometimes the everyday stresses seem relentless. That’s why it is important to develop coping mechanisms that help you deflect the negative and focus on the positive!

Most of my personal strategies involve doing things that are good for my physical health. When you fuel your body with the nutrition and exercise it needs, your happiness levels are greatly affected. I have always been intrigued by the extra benefits of exercise and healthy eating—such as improved self-esteem, confidence, emotional stability and stress reduction. Truth is, when I started my fitness journey more than 20 years ago, my goals were only physical. I had no idea that my entire outlook on life would be transformed just because I started exercising!

It is through this journey that I have found myself and what makes me happy. I have been empowered by my overall wellness to walk away from negative influences that steal my joy. It didn’t happen overnight, but taking care of my body has nurtured my soul and given me the gift of perspective to focus on the things that make me happy.

The elements of Fit3—exercise, nutrition and Reliv products—are about total body wellness, not just the physical aspects. Even Reliv’s mission is, “To Nourish Our World in body, mind, and spirit.”

How will you nourish your body, mind and spirit to find your happiness today?