Susan Stone
Managing Director, Reliv Asia Pacific
Sue joined Reliv in 1994 and is familiar with every aspect of the Reliv business. Her enthusiasm and common-sense approach has gained her the respect of both corporate and Distributors alike. While supporting the Distributor force, Sue concentrates on utilizing the talents of Reliv leaders to help develop the business of all Reliv Distributors to their fullest potential.
Reliv Regimen: I take Reliv Now®, FibRestore®, A-affect® daily, Innergize® during workouts and ReShape as a regular meal replacement.
Healthy Lifestyle: I walk/jog regularly and practice yoga once or twice a week. Other hobbies include socializing, reading, horse-riding and all sports!
Making a Difference: I love the people and working for a company that is making a difference. Body, mind and spirit — our logo says it all.
‘Distributors First’ Means…they are at the forefront of every decision made — we always ask, “Is it good for our Distributors?” Our aim is to help and support our Distributors in every way we can.
Favorite Quote: “When the going gets tough, the tough get going.” — Joseph Kennedy